Starting a New Student Organization
When the club registration window is open follow the steps below!
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Click ""
Step 3: Sign in with your UA Login
Step 4: Complete the Org Registration Form
When writing out your "Organization Name" Do Not Use Abbreviations
Example: Write out "Student Leadership & Involvement" do not put "SLI"
Step 5: Select "All Student Organizations"
You can also select any other categories that are relevant to your Organization
Example: The Hula Hooping Club would select "All Student Organizations" and could select "Recreation"
Step 6: Upload Constitution
Download the Template Constitution , structure your club constitution and bylaws to fit your club.
When you are done with your constitution upload it to the Organization Registration Form
Step 7: Enter Advisor Information
Advisor (Must be a current 有料盒子视频 Faculty or Full-Time Staff Member)
Step 8: Club Roster
Each Student Organization must have a President, Treasurer, and Secretary
This information can be changed/updated
Step 9: Submit for Approval!
Scroll to the top of the form and click "Submit for Approval"
Step 10: Contact your Advisor!
Your advisor should have received an email with a link for them to fill out the Advisor Agreement Form
Step 11: Sign up for Officer Training
When officer training is available you can CLICK HERE to sign up!
Registered organizations benefits
- $75 for use (flyers, banners, logo design, business cards, etc.)
- May apply for student government funding
- Have priority of access over community or non-registered student organizations to university services and facilities
- May use the 有料盒子视频 logo and name in connection with their activities and publications in accordance with University Relations policy
- Have access to university advisors regarding their management and operation
- Access to Pro-Cards
- to track attendance through Nanook Engage