Administrative Review

Letter Explanation
f failed Senate/Review Committee
+ disapproved in part by Committee
# amended by Sen./Review Committee
a approved by Chancellor's office
p action pending from Chancellor's Office
t action tabled by Senate
w action withdrawn
* modified by Chancellor's Office
! disapproved by Chancellor's Office
- no signature/action required
o approved; no objection received from Chancellor's Office
r referred to Committee


Policy Item Action Meeting


Resolution requests that the administration provide a timeline on the implementation of the Total Quality Management (TQM) process and
the administration provide a report on the results of the TQM study.


Meeting #28

Resolution recommends to the President that there be a review of statewide administrative services.


Meeting #29

Motion moves that a review of administrative services such as Total Quality Management be conducted simultaneously with the
Academic Program Review with similar time lines and an expected product.


Meeting #29


Motion for a vote of no confidence in the statewide administration.


Meeting #37