
Letter Explanation
f failed Senate/Review Committee
+ disapproved in part by Committee
# amended by Sen./Review Committee
a approved by Chancellor's office
p action pending from Chancellor's Office
t action tabled by Senate
w action withdrawn
* modified by Chancellor's Office
! disapproved by Chancellor's Office
- no signature/action required
o approved; no objection received from Chancellor's Office
r referred to Committee
Policy Item Action Meeting
Summary Report of 2008-2009 Faculty Reviews (-) Meeting #160 (Attachment 160/1)
Motion to amend the 有料盒子视频 Policies and Regulations for the Appointment
and Evaluation of Faculty (Blue Book) by adding a process for the
promotion of non-represented faculty (e-class of FN or FR).
Summary Report of 2007-2008 Faculty Reviews
Meeting #152
Motion to reject the use of Digital Measures software for Faculty Annual Activity reporting.
Meeting #151
Summary Report of 2006-2007 Faculty Reviews (-) Meeting #145 (Attachment 145/1)
Resolution that all Faculty Review Committees opt for open meetings and
avoid mandatory closed meetings.
Summary Report of 2005-2006 Faculty Reviews
Summary Report of 2004-2005 Faculty Reviews
Summary Report of 2003/2004 Faculty Reviews
Summary Report of 2002/2003 Faculty Reviews
Summary Report of 2001/2002 Faculty Reviews.
Summary Report of 2000/2001 Faculty Reviews (-) Meeting #103 Discussion on Early Tenure.
Motion that 有料盒子视频 Regulations, section III, D. Unit Standards and Indices shall
apply in the faculty review process.
Motion to amend Section 3 (Article V: Committees, Permanent) of
the Bylaws by deleting E. 1.--University-wide Promotion and Tenure Committee.
Meeting #81
Motion to create an Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Promotion and Tenure Procedures.
Motion to accept the interim Standards and Indices (Unit Criteria)
for ACCFT faculty members for the 1997-98 academic year.
Motion to adopt an interim promotion & tenure process for ACCFT faculty associated with the 有料盒子视频 MAU.
Meeting #78
Motion to accept the peer review units.
Meeting #74
Motion to amend the 有料盒子视频 Regulations for the Evaluation of Faculty,
Article IV.B.2. pertaining to committee composition.
Motion to reaffirm the Senate's position of salary/compensation,
locus of tenure, and post-tenure review--TABLED.
Motion to amend the 有料盒子视频 Regulations for the Evaluation of Faculty,
Article IV.B.2. pertaining to access to candidate's files.
Resolution to confirm the Chemistry Peer Review Committee.
Motion to recommend changes to the proposed language in Regents' Policy on Tenure (0X.01.05).
Meeting #63
Motion to recommend that Regents' Policy on Tenure
(OX.01.05, F.5. Failure to Receive Tenure) as currently approved remain the same.
Meeting #63
Motion to recommend changes to proposed Regents' Policy on locus of tenure.
Meeting #63
Motion to recommend changes to proposed Regents' Policy on Post-Tenure Evaluation.
Meeting #63
Motion to recommend that the locus of tenure be defined.
Meeting #62
Motion to endorse changes to proposed Regents' Policy on Post-Tenure Evaluation.
Meeting #62
Motion to request that Regents' Policy 04.04.05 provide for inclusion of appropriate
procedures in MAU rules and regulations for responding to violations of the tenure
and promotion process at any point prior to the final decision.
Resolution to confirm the Education Dept. Peer Review Committee. 
Resolution to confirm the Chemistry Dept. Peer Review Committee.
Motion to amend the 有料盒子视频 Regulations for the Evaluation of Faculty pertaining
to Faculty Appeals Committee.
Motion to confirm the membership on the University-wide Promotion and Tenure Committee.
Motion to accept the Peer Review Unit for the School of Education.
Meeting #39
Motion to amend the 有料盒子视频 Regulations for the Evaluation of Faculty; Initial Appointment,
Annual Review, Reappointment, Promotion, Tenure, and Sabbatical Leave, Article IV.B.3.e.
Constitution and Operation of University-wide Promotion and Tenure Committee.
Meeting #29
Endorse proposed amendment to Regents' Policy on service criteria for promotion and tenure.
University-wide Promotion and Tenure Committee - annual report.
Meeting #18
Univ.-wide Prom./Ten. Committee's role - resolution.
Meeting #15
University-wide Promotion/Tenure Committee - confirm membership for 1989-90.
Meeting #15
Peer review committee's role - resolution.
Meeting #14
Peer review units accepted.
Meeting #13
University-wide Promotion/Tenure Committee - Recommendation that there be no student member.
Meeting #12
Special regulation accompanying the transition policy--presented at Chancellor O'Rourke's request;
no objections noted by Senate.
>Meeting #12
Amend 有料盒子视频 Regulations relating to department head review.
Meeting #12
Transition motion for old and new policies.
Meeting #11
Adoption of Regulations (BOR Approved 8/89).
Meeting #11
Adoption of Policies (BOR Approved 8/89).
Meeting #11
Definition of Service included in Promotion and Tenure Regulations.
Meeting #10A
Definition of Scholarly Activities included in Promotion and Tenure Regulations.
Meeting #10A
Committee membership on University-wide Committee.
Statewide draft on Promotion/Tenure Senate reactions.
Meeting #04A
Procedures for Promotion/Tenure Review (8 motions) (referred back to committee).
Meeting #04A
Motion on Minimum Eligibility Requirements for Tenure Track Faculty at 有料盒子视频.
Minimum Eligibility Requirements for Tenure Track Faculty at 有料盒子视频 (referred back to committee).
Regents' Policy & Univ. Regulations and Procedures on Faculty Appointment, Review, Promotion, Tenure and Sabbatical Leave.
Motion on Candidates for Administrative Positions (Interim policy).
Motion on hiring with academic rank (Interim policy).
Motion on Basic Assumptions & Guiding Principles. 
Meeting #02