
Letter Explanation
f failed Senate/Review Committee
+ disapproved in part by Committee
# amended by Sen./Review Committee
a approved by Chancellor's office
p action pending from Chancellor's Office
t action tabled by Senate
w action withdrawn
* modified by Chancellor's Office
! disapproved by Chancellor's Office
- no signature/action required
o approved; no objection received from Chancellor's Office
r referred to Committee


Policy Item Action Meeting
Resolution on Tuition Rates for Graduate Students after Two Years of Study.
Meeting #152
Resolution on Senior Tuition Waiver.
AC August 2005
Resolution of Support of 10% Tuition Increase.
Meeting #111
Motion to endorse the Graduate Council proposal to change the number of TA and RA hours
required to receive a tuition waiver.
Meeting #41
Motion to recommend a single tuition structure for all graduate students. f Meeting #37
Motion to endorse policy on no preregistration fee for one year.
Meeting #25
Endorse proposed amendments to Regents' Policy.
Meeting #16