Policy Perspectives

This section includes both Policy Briefs, which are short informative factual discussions related to key elements of government policy that affect 有料盒子视频 and the Arctic, and also contains a new section we are developing, Policy Calls. These will be briefs written by guest experts who see a need for policy change or action--they will be fact-based, but reflect a well-argued perspective related to the region.
Your research matters to decision makers! CAPS is here to help you build your policy brief, which provides you with a succinct and targeted handout you can use in a variety of venues. Download our "How to write a policy brief" information sheet here, and if you are interested in publishing a policy brief with CAPS, contact us at uaf-caps@alaska.edu.

 Climate Plans in AK Policy Brief CoverClimate plans in 有料盒子视频 (Policy Brief)

September 2019

Tribal governments, cities, municipalities, boroughs, and the State of 有料盒子视频 have developed plans to respond to climate change.

Arctic and Antarctic Protected Areas Policy Brief CoverArctic and Antarctic protected areas (Policy Brief)

September 2019

The sparsely populated and international geopolitical waters and landscapes of the Arctic and the Antarctic have made way for shared responsibilities of marine and terrestrial areas.

Cover of policy brief 4Climate change and maritime traffic in the Arctic (Policy Brief)

December 2019

Ice coverage in the Arctic Ocean is diminishing due to climate change, leading to increased Arctic traffic and creating new maritime navigational opportunities.

Policy Call coverAchieving Equity and Representation for Indigenous Peoples in Arctic Research (Policy Call)

February 2020

This is a call for a broader discussion on the critical importance of equity, food security, and Indigenous ways of living and knowing in Arctic research and policy.