IAB Human Resources Office
The IAB Human Resources Office provides personnel support advice and services for faculty, staff, and students including facilitating hiring faculty, staff, and students; new employee orientations; employee manuals; benefits information; payroll and time-sheet coordination; employee relations; tuition waivers; tax forms; and supervisor resources.
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Email: 有料盒子视频-IAB-HR@alaska.edu

Yisleine Maldonado Guzman
Human Resources Coordinator
308A Irving 1
What is UAOnline?
At this time, all IAB employees are submitting their time sheets through with the web time sheet entry program (WTE).
UAOnline allows you to monitor payroll and benefits information and perform several other useful tasks.
From UAOnline, you can:
- Record hours on your timesheet
- View your pay information and leave balances
- Print paystubs
- Access your tax forms (W-2, 1095-C, W-4, etc.)
- Note that 1095-C forms are available online for 2018-2020 only; subsequent forms were and will continue to be sent via mail
- Review your benefits selections (HSA, retirement, health insurance plan) and current deductions
- Adjunct faculty can view tuition credit history information
Log in to UAOnline using your UA Username and Password.
To sign up for Direct Deposit, go to :
If you are a student, click on the Direct Deposit Enrollment link on the Student Services, Financial Aid & Accounting Information menu, or if you are an employee, click on the Direct Deposit Enrollment link on the Finance Menu.
- Select 1st time setup of direct deposit
- Select the account type
- Enter the bank routing code
- Enter account number
- Re-enter account number
- Click the SUBMIT button
More information:
The W-4 form is now done through the employee dashboard:
You can submit & update your W-4 form through the employee dashboard by following the steps below. (updates to this form are transmitted directly)
Steps to update Federal withholding:
- Navigate to
- Login and click on "Employee (Upgraded)"
- Open the Employee Dashboard
- Under the 'Taxes" Dropdown menu, click 鈥淲-4 Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate.鈥
- From this page, use the "Update" button at the bottom to change your withholding.
Notes of Importance:
- If you claim "Exempt" on your W-4, do not put any values in Steps 2-4. Choose Exempt from the drop-down menu labeled 鈥淒eduction Status鈥.
- You can review the instructions from the IRS by clicking the link at the top of the form 鈥淲-4鈥. This link will take you to the IRS W-4 website.
- Changes to your withholdings will occur after you select 鈥淐ertify Changes鈥 at the bottom of the form. Since we pay two weeks in arrears, it may take 1 to 2 paychecks before you see the changes on your paycheck.
- Employees earning less than $400 bi-weekly will not have federal taxes withheld, as it falls below the taxable income range.
If you are an international employee, please log in to your Glacier account and sign up for updates.
Reimbursements can also be done on . However, you can also complete the Vendor Direct Deposit Form; the form must be faxed: /finserv/files/finance-accounting/UA_Direct_Deposit_Agreement_Form.pdf
Electronic Web Time Sheet (WTE):
All IAB employees are responsible for submitting on-time 鈥淭imecards鈥 through UAOnline.
Unless otherwise noted, web time sheets have the following due dates:
- Employees: Submit can submit the timesheet on Fridays with a due date of Monday before noon (11:59 am) every other week.
- Approvers: Approve time sheets on Monday afternoon with a due date of 5:00 pm on the Tuesday after the pay period ends.
- Wednesdays are for any employee or approver who missed completing the web timesheet unless payroll returns the electronic timesheet.
- 鈥淧aper timesheets鈥 are not encouraged. If IAB HR must send one, it will be done through DocuSign for the employee to add any claim hours and approve, review, and sign.
Timesheet proxies are required for all approvers. If you are a timesheet approver and cannot approve electronic timesheets, the proxy can approve the timesheet. Proxies do not receive automatically generated reminders. IAB Policy is that the IAB Director is listed as a proxy for all supervisors and time sheet approvers.
Quick Reference Guides for completing your timesheet in UAOnline:
- (Research assistants and exempt employees must submit the timesheet if it is opened by mistake)
Hard Closure (Winter Break) Process: Except for those working on campus or remotely during the hard closure (Daniel Uliassi sends a form for your supervisor to complete and creates a list. If you are not on the list, you must take the day off). If you need to work, please complete that Daniel Uliassi shares with your supervisor to approve.
Benefited employees must select from the following:
- L- Annual Leave 500
- L- Leave Without Pay 651
- L- Personal Holiday Non-Exempt 420
- L- Personal Holiday Exempt 422
Faculty staff can choose from the following:
- T - Faculty Time Off 425 (these three days will qualify for your minimum 40 hours before your Cash In)
- (only after minimum FTO taken 40 hours)
- L- Leave Without Pay 651
Graduate Research Students (only if students want to take time off; otherwise, it will be assumed GRA will be working):
- L- Scheduled Time Off 502
- L- Leave Without Pay 651
Mandatory Training for all 有料盒子视频 Employees:
Required training for all 有料盒子视频 employees must be completed within 30 days of hire or before undertaking specific activities identified as safety concerns by the supervisor or employee (有料盒子视频 Required Training Policy 04.07.010)
- Please login to MyUA (), learning library to access the following trainings:
- Hazard Communication
- Back Safety and Injury Prevention
- Behavior Based Safety (BBS) - use Google Chrome
- Workplace Harassment Prevention
- Title IX/ Sexual Misconduct - Employees are required to complete Title IX Annual Training each fiscal year (July 1-June 30).
- Protection of Minors Training
- Protection of Minors "Shine a Light" through Edu Risk. The training can be found here: Protection of Minors: Shine a Light
- Protection of Minors - Duty to Report: Mandated Reporter Training in MyUA
- You can access the following trainings via /
safety/training/ :- Employee Safety Orientation (PowerPoint and Quiz)
- Hazard Communications Training - Choose the most appropriate description of how you work with chemical products and click on the corresponding link to complete your required training: Hazard Communication for Office Workers OR Hazard Communications GHS
- Office Safety (General) (PowerPoint and Quiz)
- Slips, Trips and Falls (PowerPoint and Quiz)
- Department Emergency Action Plan (DEAP) - talk to your supervisor as this is department specific training
All persons working in a laboratory are also required to complete (at a minimum) the Laboratory Safety Training, Introduction to Hazardous Waste Management, and the Chemical Hygiene Plan training. Specific job duties may require further training.
Please contact the IAB Safety Officer for more information at 有料盒子视频-IAB-Safety@alaska.edu.
Hire and Recruitment of Benefited Positions
Need information about recruiting candidates for open positions? Looking for Salary Schedules, Job Families, or other position classification and compensation process information? Visit the UA HR Talent Acquisition website at
Information on hiring for Benefited Positions:
*Minimum Funding Requirement 鈥 9 months of funding at least 陆 time FTE
- Step One: Position Description Creation and Approval
- Step Two: Job Requisition and Recruitment
- Step Three: Offer to desired candidate and remaining Hire Steps (background check, new hire document, etc.)
Please work with your designated IAB Post Award Grant Coordinator to determine your budget and available funding to support a benefited position. Please contact IAB HR at uaf-iab-hr@alaska.edu for more information on UA HR policy and procedures.
After the recruitment steps are complete, please fill out the form.
Staff recruitments each have their own individual job posting, but new hires and rehired Post Doctoral Fellows can be hired using the Post Doctoral Fellow Pool (Coming Soon!).
A Note About Direct Hires:
If you want to direct hire a post doctoral fellow or staff member then please complete and forward it to IAB HR for review and DocuSign routing.
Leave Share Information
Employees in active status can donate leave; they must be on approved FML to receive leave share donations.
Here is a link to for the Leave Share Program information.
There is no limit to the number of hours an employee can donate, but after the donation is processed, the employee donating sick leave must have 80 hours remaining in their sick leave balance.
Hire of Temporary Employees
- - Effective 7/3/2023
- Explanation of the Temporary Employee Rolling 12-month Calendar
To initiate the hire of a Temporary or Undergraduate Student Employee please use the
Hire Request Form: .
- Name of applicant
- Student Email
- ID# (if applicable)
- Hours per day
- Desired Start Date for position
- End Date of job assignment
- Grade
- Step
- Justification
- Salary per hour
- Employee classification
- Supervisors name
- Fund
- Org
- Driving responsibilities
- Grant manager
- Visa Sponsor
Hire of Undergraduate Student Employees
Student Eligibility Requirements: Students must be enrolled at UA with a minimum of 6 credits and be maintaining a 2.0 GPA. They are restricted to 20 hours/week during the academic year; and can work full time during the summer.
If the student will work 21+ hours a week, a waiver must be submitted for approval. Once approved, please send us a copy. Please turn this form in to
- - Effective 7/3/2023
Note: Student Assistants can be paid up to $18 per hour without additional approvals from UA HR. If you wish to pay your student assistant employees a higher rate than those listed in the salary schedules linked above, then please use the Google Form linked above to request a higher rate of pay.
For any employees who are new hires or rehires, an application must be submitted through the respective hiring pool:
Please contact IAB HR at uaf-iab-hr@alaska.edu for more information.
Hire of Graduate Research Assistant Student Employees
Student Eligibility Requirements: Students must be enrolled at UA with a minimum of 6 credits and be maintaining a 3.0 GPA.
To initiate the hire of a Graduate Research Assistant, please submit information via our .
To pay for a graduate student's tuition, fees, and/or health insurance ONLY (not a Graduate Research Assistant), please submit information via our .
For any graduate students who are new hires or rehires, an application must be submitted through the
Research Assistantship and Timecard
This is a quick note on how the time cards will work for graduate students on a research assistantship.
Research Assistants - Please leave the timecard unopened on each pay run unless (the employee) you have leave time to report. "Best practice"
- If you have no leave to report but have clicked on the timecard "started," meaning you opened your time card, you should submit for that pay run to be processed no later than Monday before noon on each pay period.
- If you do have leave to report, please add your leave time on earnings code 502 (L-Scheduled Time Off) and submit your hours for approval by your supervisor.
The consequence of not submitting an on-time timesheet when there is no leave to report will result in administrative effort, as the payroll team will waste time returning it to you and your supervisor for submission. HR may have to submit a paper timesheet if there is any leave time to report.
If the timecard was opened but not submitted on time, you will receive a communication from HR asking if you had any leave to report. If there is no leave to report then no further action will be required on your end or your advisors' end. It is still good practice to submit a timecard once it is opened. You are welcome to be proactive and email HR indicating you opened your timesheet and forgot to submit it, but you have no leave to report. We will make a note on our end. No further action will be requested other than timecard submission.
If you later move to a non-exempt position, you must open and record your hours on every pay period. For example, if you're hired as a temporary employee during the summer, you must open and record your hours on every pay period.
Summer Research Assistantships will work the same as the academic year.
Scheduled Time Off
Scheduled time off (STO) is not required during the hard closure. However, if a bargaining unit member chooses to claim STO during the hard closure, they may.
Hourly bargaining unit members may claim available STO hours to receive pay during the challenging closure period. Bargaining unit members paid on a stipend will continue to be paid by stipend. If someone is paid through a stipend, they are not categorized the same as an exempt, salaried staff employee. They are a stipend-exempt employee.
As a reminder, 16 hours of STO are provided for each full semester of active appointment. STO does not roll over and is forfeited at the end of each semester if not used.
Leave Category Update
- All AGWA PCNs for GN/GTs are now in the Leave Category: AL (AGWA Stipend)
- All AGWA PCNs for SN/STs are now in the Leave Category: AG (AGWA Hourly)
NOTE: Other departments might have different instructions based on the assistantship. These instructions only apply to IAB. If you have a Teaching Assistantship, please contact HR for the department in which the TA was awarded for further instructions.
Please contact IAB HR at uaf-iab-hr@alaska.edu for more information.
To ensure a smooth transition and proper employment closure for team members leaving IAB at 有料盒子视频, we have established an internal offboarding process. Please use the following steps when an employee under your supervision is separating from the company:
Submit the Offboarding Request Form
Please complete the as soon as an employee鈥檚 separation is confirmed. This form collects the necessary details to start offboarding and notify relevant departments (e.g., IT, Payroll, Facilities). -
Next Steps
We will follow up with you and the employee after your separation submission. -
Off Boarding Reassurance
You and the employee will receive an email letting you know that we "IAB" started the process. -
Exit Interview Opportunity
Encourage the employee to participate in an exit interview if applicable. This feedback is valuable in improving our work environment and processes.
- Address Change: Address changes and updates can be done in under the Personal Information tab.
Concerns addressed by the Faculty Senate include the following: course and program development and change; policies related to academic procedures; academic freedom and faculty rights and responsibilities; and quality of teaching, research and service.
有料盒子视频 Staff Council provides non-bargaining non-exempt and exempt employees an avenue to help formulate new policies, change existing policies or working conditions, and other matters that affect services provided by the support staff of the University of 有料盒子视频 Fairbanks.
- Please visit the for information and forms for volunteer service.
- IAB Safety Page
The sponsoring faculty member must contact IAB HR to initiate visa requests.
Are you traveling outside of the US and need to know what type of visa you need? There are many resources which can be used. A few are listed below.