Virtual Junior Curators: Carving

January 2021's theme was Carving!

Close-up of hands carving a linocut print.

Explore a variety of ways to make art by carving.
Try carving clay, foam, soap, and more!

At Home Activities:
The links are all PDF documents. 

          A snowman carved from a ball of tan clay.          Print of a brown dog sleeping on a bed, against a red and blue background. A foam piece with the same design is next to the print.          A figure of a snail carved from a bar of soap.

Left to Right: Clay Sculpture, Foam Printmaking, and Soap Carving Examples.

Photos courtesy of Gail Priday.


Watch a video of artist Ron Senungetuk carving a wooden panel:



For activities designed for kids ages 5 and under, go to our Virtual Early Explorers page.


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