
Summer Camps at the Museum


Space Camp 2025

A child jumps onto a stomp rocket launcher in front of the museum.

Learn  about space science through hands-on activities.  Topics include the aurora, rockets, our Solar System, and more. Experience the wonder of outer space with us this summer!

Session I: May 28-30, 2025. 9 am-noon. For 5-7 year olds.
$90 (non-member),  $75 (UAMN member)

Session II: June 2-6, 2025. 9 am-noon. For 8-12 year olds. 
$150 (non-member), $115 (UAMN member)

Taught by UAMN educators.

Register online:

  • Session I, May 28-30 (5-7 year olds)
  • Session II, June 2-6 (8-12 year olds)
Registration will open on April 7, 2025.
Scholarships available. Inquire at or call 907-474-6948.


Space Camp is proudly presented by Dr. Walt & Marita Babula and by NASA HEAT.

UAMN image by J.Arseneau

NASA partner logoNASA HEAT logo


UAMN is a partner in the NASA Heliophysics Education  Activation Team (HEAT). NASA HEAT supported under cooperative agreement number NNH15ZDA004C.



ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ Summer Sessions Camps

Museum curators and staff teach several camps through ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ Summer Sessions. Discover museum science with them!  Register through ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ Summer Sessions.

2025 Offerings: