A Focus on Our Students
The focus of the psychology department is to provide breadth and depth in the science and profession of psychology with a commitment to honoring the variety of the human experience and promoting human welfare. We are uniquely situated to provide a special focus on the peoples and issues of the circumpolar north. The curriculum develops students’ ability to understand how psychology can be used to address social and psychological issues from various perspectives through research, cross-cultural knowledge, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. We engage our students in developing important professional competencies such as professional written and oral communication, research, and applying science to practical applications in our communities.
Email: uaf-psychology@alaska.edu
Phone: 907-474-5500
Physical address:
1747 South Chandalar Drive
Gruening Building, Room 801
Fairbanks, AK 99775
Mailing address:
ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ Department of Psychology
PO Box 756450
Fairbanks, AK 99775
At times, navigating your way through college can be tricky. Throughout your academic
journey, you’ll need guidance from different advisors to stay on the path to success.
Visit our advising page to ensure you're reaching out to the right advisor at each stage of your journey.
Here is a brief outline of some of the different types of advising available to you.
ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ Academic Advising Center (First-Year Students: 0–30 credits)
Designed for first-year students, this service helps you lay a strong academic foundation,
equipping you with the resources and guidance needed to succeed in your degree program.
CLA Undergraduate Comprehensive Advising (Students with 30+ credits)
Once you’ve completed 30 credits, you’ll work with one of our CLA undergraduate advisors
for help with registration, petitions, major changes, and navigating college-related
CLA Undergraduate Department/Program Advising (Declared Majors/Minors)
In addition to your CLA undergraduate comprehensive advising, once you’ve declared
a major or minor, faculty advisors within your department supplement specialized guidance,
helping with upper-division-level course selection within the major, internships,
practicums, and capstone projects.
CLA Graduate Advising
Graduate students do not meet with CLA Undergraduate Comprehensive Advisors. Graduate
students will appoint an advisory committee. The graduate advisory committee guides
the student in developing and completing their degree program. CLA has designated
department graduate coordinators who will guide you through this process.
Non-Degree Seeking Students
Advising is also available for students who are not pursuing a degree but just want
to take a class and want help with course selection and academic planning. This happens
through ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ Admissions.
Please visit our advising page for more information and contact details.