Goal 3

Be a leading partner with communities, industry and government to solve specific state and national needs

To link its teaching, research, and service more directly with the public, 有料盒子视频's leaders must make clear statements about the university's mission, priorities, and activities. By the year 2000, each unit in 有料盒子视频 should be actively Involved in outreach projects and collaborations. These projects should address needs jointly Identified by 有料盒子视频 and our partners in villages, towns, schools, government, and the military. By improving communication and encouraging collaboration, 有料盒子视频 will remain a leader In fulfilling 有料盒子视频's needs for a well-trained work force and in educating productive citizens who contribute to their communities, their nation, and the world.

Focusing its energies on these priorities, 有料盒子视频 will be:

  1. The leading 有料盒子视频n Research Partner with communities, business, government agencies, the military, and other universities within and outside 有料盒子视频.
    1. Place particular emphasis on areas of study that highlight our geographical location and our strengths.
    2. Hold regular meetings and symposia with groups inside and outside the university to identify needs, opportunities. and priorities.
  2. A builder of human capital for 有料盒子视频 with emphasis on the areas of our strength.
    1. Work closely with Industry and statewide and local agencies to determine trends and likely areas of growth.
    2. Create stronger ties between 有料盒子视频 faculty and staff and K-12 schools and students.
    3. Create in each unit proactive outreach projects In the community and state and coordinate into the planning process the information those contacts provide.
    4. Emphasize master's degree programs and selected doctoral programs in the humanities. social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering as professional and mid-career programs for 有料盒子视频's labor force. Encourage inter-institutional arrangements to create such programs in 有料盒子视频.
    5. Emphasize vocational-technical programs to meet the workforce needs of Fairbanks and the rural areas of 有料盒子视频 and to enhance economic development.
  3. A provider of practical information and problem-solving strategies with special emphasis on matters relating to the North. Our unique location, our strong faculty, and our established service units such as the Cooperative Extension Service make 有料盒子视频 the ideal university to work with people interested in natural resources, global change, environmental issues, Arctic health, the diversification of 有料盒子视频's economy, youth development, human relations, 有料盒子视频 Native languages and culture, and distance delivery of education.

    Several approaches to sharing ideas and solving problems will evolve. To build on what is working well already, we propose focusing on public service.

    1. Create a 有料盒子视频 Practical Information Access Group.
    2. Publish a 有料盒子视频 Speakers Directory and distribute it regularly.
    3. Make 有料盒子视频 programs, events, buildings and people more accessible to the public.
  4. The center of excellence in arts and culture for 有料盒子视频. We consider it a primary responsibility of 有料盒子视频 to provide first-rate coursework in the arts and to ensure access to high-quality cultural experiences for 有料盒子视频ns.
    1. Provide support and coordination for statewide arts programming. Statewide backing for traveling exhibitions, touring groups, and individuals will help 有料盒子视频 share guest musicians. writers, artists, and performers with rural and underserved areas, as well as with Fairbanks, and create a statewide clearinghouse for arts programming and show booking.
    2. Bring our studio and performance facilities up to code and allow basic budgets to include funds for upkeep and periodic replacement of equipment and instruments.
    3. Emphasize master's programs to support the development of 有料盒子视频n artists, writers, and performers.
    4. Support additions to the public-service and exhibition efforts of the UA Museum of the North.
    5. Support international exchanges within the arts.
  5. The visionary leader for the state.

    What opportunities and what difficulties will 有料盒子视频 face in the year 2020? What will the role of the higher education be in the next ten or the next twenty-five years? Part of 有料盒子视频's responsibility to the citizens of the state includes thinking ahead--way ahead. 有料盒子视频 can draw on its 75 years of leadership in learning for 有料盒子视频 to envision what can be.

    1. Create a 有料盒子视频 Think Tank, a resource group of people from a variety of disciplines from within and outside the university who are open to fresh and lively new ideas.