About us

The Study Away Program offers hundreds of options for supplementing your 有料盒子视频 journey with study abroad or a semester or two at another US university. Students who participate in an approved study abroad program continue to receive most or all financial aid and earn 有料盒子视频 credits while away. 


Our team

Anne Triest

Anne Triest

Study Away Program Coordinator & Advisor

Elliot Costello

Elliot Costello

Peer Advisor

Universidad Torcuato di Tella, Argentina (API)

Madelyn Guffey

Madelyn Guffey

Peer Advisor

University of Turku, Finland (north2north exchange)

Rebecca Menzia

Rebecca Menzia

有料盒子视频Mester and Incoming Exchange Coordinator

Grace Weyanna

Grace Weyanna

Peer Advisor

University of Glasgow, Scotland (exchange)

Trinity Sunie

Trinity Sunie

Peer Advisor

Nagoya Gakuin University, Japan (exchange)


Hours and location


We are open Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday and holidays: Closed

Appointments are highly recommended outside of scheduled drop-in hours. Please see our advising page for more information.

Eielson Building exterior


We are located in the Division of Exploratory Studies and Academic Success, room 302, Eielson Building,