Projects at Toolik
Project list updated 11/7/2024

Arctic Beaver Observation Network
Ken Tape and Jason Clark
Terrestrial biology, Biodiversity

有料盒子视频n InSAR Project
Advancing InSAR Technology for Monitoring and Prediction of the Hydrologic State of Permafrost Terrain in the Arctic
Bayani Cardenas, George Kling, Jingyi Chen

AON Carbon Flux
Collaborative Research: Tracking Carbon, Water, and Energy Balance of the Arctic Landscape at Flagship Observatories in 有料盒子视频 and Siberia
Syndonia Bret-Harte, Eugenie Euskirchen, George Kling, Sveta Stuefer, Katey Walter Anthony, and Alexander Kholdov

AON Permafrost
AON: Development of Sustainable Observations of Thermal State of Permafrost in North America and Russia: The U.S. Contribution to the Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost
Dmitry Nicolsky, Vladimir Romanovsky, Thomas C. Wright

Arctic Rock Glaciers
Investigating Arctic Rock Glacier Kinematics and Internal Structure
Austin Routt
Tundra Awardee 2024
Carbon Stabilization in Toolik Lake
Investigating the spatial heterogeneity of carbon stabilization in Arctic lake sediments
Chelsea Smith and Allyson Tessin
2022, 2023, 2024
Tundra Awardee 2022
CAREER: post-thaw microbiomes
CAREER: A research foundation to improve understanding of the post-thaw permafrost microbiome via collaboration networks and experiential learning
Jessica Ernakovich
Terrestrial biology, Ecosystem function
2020, 2022 ,2024

Characterizing Terrestrial Surface Hydrodynamics
Characterizing Terrestrial Surface Hydrodynamics and Biodiversity with Synthetic Aperture Radar: Contributions to NISAR Science
Kyle MacDonald
Terrestrial biology, Ecosystem function
8/28/2022 - 8/31/2025

Dragonflies and other aquatic insects
Genetic Mechanisms of cold Tolerance in Aquatic Insects of the Arctic
Jessica Ware, Manpreet Kohli, and Anna Eichert
Terrestrial biology, Biodiversity
7/1/2023 - 12/31/2024
Tundra Awardee 2023
EvoME Institute
Evolving Meta-Ecosystems Institute (EvoME)
Linda Deegan, Mark Urban, Natalie Boelman, and Heidi Golden
Ecosystem Services
5/1/2024 - 5/1/2030

Freeze or famine: the ecology of arctic springs
Freeze or famine: do uncoupled temperature and light regimes drive unique seasonal production-demand relationships in arctic spring-stream ecosystems?
Alex Huryn, Jonathan Benstead, and Carla Atkinson
11/1/2021 - 11/10/2025

Georgia Tech LF Radio Reciever
Georgia Tech Low Frequency Radio Receiver
Kevin Whitmore
6/19/2019 - 2/28/2026

HF Beacon Project
HF Beacon Project
David Hysell
Atmospheric chemistry and physics
8/1/2020 - 12/31/2025

Hydrology of water tracks and gullies
NSF Collaborative Research: RUI: Zero-order to first-order: Hydrologic drivers of surface-subsurface storage dynamics in thawing permafrost landscapes
Sarah Evans, Sarah Godsey, Ben Crosby, and Clara Chew
1/1/2022 - 12/31/2025

Ice Wedge Polygon Carbon Stocks
Ice Wedge Polygon Carbon Stocks
Nic Jelinski, Chien-Lu Ping, and Megan Andersen
Soil Science
8/1/2023 - 7/31/2025

Imnavait hydro-biogeochemistry
Dynamics of interconnected surface-subsurface flow and reactive transport processes across the hillslope-riparian zone-river corridor continuum of cold, high-latitude watersheds
Bayani Cardenas, Neearun Mukherjee, Bethany Neilson, Rose Cory, George Kling
1/1/2024 - 9/1/2026

ITEX AON Pollinators
Using the ITEX-AON network to test for effects of warming on arctic plant-pollinator interactions
Roxaneh Khorsand and Steve Oberbauer
Terrestrial biology, Biodiversity
5/1/2019 - 10/31/2025

Land Stability Physics
Measuring land stability and erosive power that set retrogressive thaw slumps and thermoerosional gullies
Cansu Culha
Tundra Awardee 2024
LTREB: Following the reorganization and resynchronization of biogeochemical cycles after an unprecedented tundra fire
Adrian Rocha
Ecosystem services
5/1/2016 - 9/30/2017

LTER: The Role of Climate Variability in Controlling Arctic Ecosystem Function
Kevin Griffin, Natalie Boelman, Rose Cory, George Kling, and Duncan Menge
Ecosystem Services
5/16/2023 - 5/15/2029

Mercury fate and transport after fires
The impact of fire on mercury storage and transformation in the Arctic tundra
Jacqueline Gerson
Environmental sciences, Pollution
Tundra Awardee 2024
NASA SnowEx 有料盒子视频 2022
NASA SnowEx field campaign in 有料盒子视频 2022
Sveta Stuefer, Stine Pedersen, Sarah Sackett, Carrie Vuyovich
8/16/2021 - 12/31/2024

NNA: Landscape evolution and adapting to change in Ice-Rich Permafrost Systems
Skip Walker and Jana Peirce
Ecosystem Services

North Slope Geology
Stratigraphy, Structure and Geologic Evolution of the Brooks Range and North Slope
Marwan Wartes and Trystan Herriott
Geology, Sedimentology
6/1/2023 - 8/1/2026

Permafrost C dynamics with multiple isotopes
Climate change and cryoturbation effects on soil C dynamics and storage: A multiple isotope approach
Miquel Gonzalez-Meler, Jamal Sheriff, and Samira Umar
Terrestrial biology, Ecosystem function
6/1/2008- 12/31/2024

PER2Water 鈥 PERsistent organic pollutant remobilisation from PERmafrost into surface Waters
Krystyn Koziol and Danuta Szumi艅ska
Environmental sciences, Pollution
1/21/2022 - 1/20/2026

Plant-microbe-mineral interactions in permafrost
Permafrost鈥揷limate feedbacks: How interactions among plants, microbes, and minerals affect biogeochemical projections in a changing Arctic
Jessica Ernakovich
Terrestrial biology, Ecosystem function
1/1/2021 - 12/31/2024

Permafrost degradation impacts on soils, human societies, water resources and carbon cycle 鈥 Belmont Forum
Go Iwahana
Geocryology, Geomorphology
2021, 2022, 2023

Respiration-Photosynthesis (ARC)
A step change in modeling leaf respiration-photosynthesis relationships
Owen Atkin and Kevin Griffin
Terrestrial biology, Ecosystem function
5/1/2023 - 9/1/2025

Sag River Toniolo
Sagavanirktok River Hydrology
Horacio Toniolo and Emily Youcha
1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025

Systematics of Arctic Salix
Systematics of Arctic Salix
Caroline Brose and David Tank
Terrestrial biology, Biodiversity

Terrain instability Year 4
Mapping the susceptibility to permafrost-thaw-induced terrain instability with satellite radar observations Y4
Simon Zwieback
Mapping, GIS
1/12/2024 - 1/12/2025

Tundra Capillaries
Collaborative Research: The role of capillaries in the Arctic hydrologic system
Anna Liljedahl
7/1/2023 - 6/30/2026

Tundra plant phenology and local adaptation
Collaborative Research: Plant phenology, local adaptation, and growing season length in the changing Arctic tundra
Michael Moody, Ned Fetcher, and Jianwu Tang
Terrestrial biology, Biodiversity
8/1/2021 - 9/30/2025

USGS Hulahula River
USGS Hulahula River
Michelle Kang, Matthew Strickler and Eloise Bellingham

1002 snow
Arctic Refuge Snow Studies
Matthew Sturm
2/1/2023 - 5/31/2026

ALANA: Arctic Landscape Archaeology in Northern 有料盒子视频
Noah Steuri
Anthropology, Sociology, Archaeology

Alder C and N
The effects of alder on the coupling of nitrogen and carbon cycles
Calvin Heslop and Benton Taylor
Terrestrial biology, Ecosystem function
2022, 2023, 2024

Collaborative Research: Using the ITEX-AON network to document and understand terrestrial ecosystem change in the Arctic
Robert Hollister, Steve Oberbauer, Craig Tweedy, Jeff Welker
Terrestrial biology, Ecosystem function
2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

Arctic Ground Squirrel Monitoring
Arctic Ground Squirrel Monitoring
Cory Williams, Austin Allison
Terrestrial biology, Ecosystem function
2023, 2024

BEAR-oNS: Biogenic Emissions and Aerosol Response on the North Slope
Rebecca Sheesley, Alex Guenther, and Claudia Czimczik
Atmospheric chemistry and physics
2021, 2022, 2023

The Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring Network-CALM V (2019-2024): Long-term Observations on the Climate-Active Layer-Permafrost System
Nikolay Shiklomanov, Anna Klene
Geocryology, Geomorphology

CAREER: Carbon Fluxes across River Flow Regimes
CAREER: Towards Forecasting Watershed Organic Carbon Fluxes across Flow Regimes and Ecoregions
Jay Zarnetske

Changes in tundra soil microbe by extreme events
Determining biogeochemical Interactions and climate Feedback by Extreme Events in 有料盒子视频n Tundra Based on Field Measurements
Jinhyun Kim
Soil Science
5/1/2024 - 4/30/2029

Collaborative intelligent systems
High-resolution behavioral observations of bird foraging
Emily Mackevicius
Terrestrial biology, Ecosystem function

Electron Acceleration Processes
Auroral Radio Emissions: A Window Into Electron Acceleration Processes
James LaBelle
5/15/2019 - 4/30/2025

Bridging the scale gap between local and regional methane and carbon dioxide isotopic fluxes in the Arctic
David Sayres
Atmospheric chemistry and physics

Root-permafrost interactions at Ice Cut
Ellen Dorrepaal and Geshe Blume-Werry
Terrestrial biology, Ecosystem function
4/4/2023 - 12/31/2027

Freeze-thaw effect on Biogeochemistry and Nutrient Cycling in Arctic Soils
Elizabeth Herndon and Erin Rooney
Soil Science
2023, 2024

Geotypical Winter Mobility
Geotypical Winter Mobility
Anthony Fragoso
Mapping, GIS
2023, 2024

High-resolution ALT mapping
High Resolution Mapping of Surface Soil Freeze Thaw Status and Active Layer Thickness for Improving the Understanding of Permafrost Dynamics and Vulnerability
Kazem Bakian Dogaheh and Jinyang Du
Climatology, Climate Change
10/1/2022 - 9/30/2025

Plastics in the Arctic wilderness: a study of micro- and mesoplastics distribution in the Arctic freshwaters
Inta Dimante-Deimantovica

Insubria Polar
Mauro Guglelmin
Environmental sciences, Pollution
2023, 2024

Isotopic Analysis of Arctic Hydrogeochemistry
Investigating Climate Change Impacts on Permafrost Watershed Dynamics: A Multi-Isotopic Investigation in 有料盒子视频's North Slope
Rain Blankenship
Isotopic chemistry
Tundra Awardee 2024
Latitudinal gradient of soil CO2 flux-measurement
KOPRI transect observation
Yongwon Kim
Terrestrial biology, Ecosystem function
1/1/2025 - 12/31/2028

LTER: The Role of Biogeochemical and Community Openness in Governing Ecological Change in Arctic Ecosystems
Edward Rastetter, Laura Gough, Anne Giblin, Phaedra Budy, Breck Bowden, Bethany Neilson, Kevin Griffin, Natalie Boelman, Rose Cory, George Kling, and Duncan Menge
Ecosystem Services
2/6/2017 - 2/28/2025

Monitors for 有料盒子视频n and Canadian Auroral Weather in Space
Don Hampton and Austin Cohen
Atmospheric chemistry and physics
10/1/2023 - 10/1/2025

Remote sensing of formaldehyde at northern high latitudes: Probing the chemical impacts of Arctic greening
Bill Simpson
Atmospheric chemistry and physics

National Ecological Observatory Network
Chris Baird
Ecosystem Function
6/1/2016 - 4/1/2025

NNA Soundscapes Project
NNA: Soundscape ecology to assess environmental and anthropogenic controls on wildlife behavior
Natalie Boelman
Terrestrial biology, Biodiversity
3/20/2024 - 10/15/2025

Optical Aurora
Understanding Optical Signatures from Natural and Artificial Aurora
Rebecca Holmes Sandoval
2021, 2022

PermaOne Mosquito Survey
PermaOne Mosquito Survey
Alex Williams

Physical Limnology
Circulation and Respiration in Ice-Covered Arctic Lakes
Sally MacIntyre and John Melack
3/22/2021 - 12/31/2025

Plant population shifts during the late Holocene
Changes or resistance? Multi-proxy studies of the plant population shifts during the late Holocene in Arctic 有料盒子视频
Mariusz Galka

Quantitative Wood Anatomy on Tundra Shrubs
Ben Gaglioti
Terrestrial biology, Ecosystem function

Remote sensing of plant functional traits
Remote sensing of plant functional traits for modeling Arctic tundra carbon dynamics
Jennifer Fraterrigo
Terrestrial biology, Ecosystem function
8/3/2020 - 8/15/2025

Sensitive Sensors
Sensing Permafrost Thaw: Capturing Landscape-scale Changes in the Arctic Using Biogeochemical Tracers
Amanda Barker and Dragos Vas
Soil Science
6/5/2023 - 11/1/2026

Team Vole
Collaborative Research: Adding animals to the equation: assessing herbivore impacts on carbon cycling in northern 有料盒子视频
Natalie Boelman, Laura Gough, Jennie McLaren, and Rebecca Rowe
Terrestrial biology, Ecosystem function

Thermospheric Winds
Fabry-Perot studies of auroral drivers of thermospheric winds
Mark Conde, John Elliott
Atmospheric chemistry and physics
4/16/2016 - 12/31/2024

Tundra Plant Demography
Tundra Plant Demography
Daniel Doak, William Morris, and Megan DeMarche
Climatology, Climate Change
3/8/2016 - 3/8/2028

USCRN Install
U.S. Climate Reference Network Station Install co-located with NEON
Mark Hall and Howard Diamond
Climatology, Climate Change
6/1/2017 - 12/31/2037

What's up with the growing season?
From snowmelt to senescence: Investigating the seasonal controls of tundra plant community dynamics in a changing climate
Ruby An, Jonathan Levine, and Ksenia Rodionova
Terrestrial biology, Ecosystem function
5/1/2021 - 12/31/2026