Activity Codes

Activity codes designate the purpose of an expense incurred, including effort, rather than only showing what was purchased.

Activity codes allow users to more easily collect and report on program and project-based financial information, outside of the fiscal year boundaries, and in addition to fund and org delineations. Activity codes also enable the use of a work order tracking system for projects performed by employees with multiple orgs, funds and/or fiscal years.

A single activity code may cross fund types, program codes and even fiscal years in order to facilitate job or event reporting. Units and departments utilizing these codes can efficiently manage project costs from inception to completion, regardless of funding source.

Activity codes stand alone and do not replace or interact with program codes, account codes or funds and orgs. They serve a reporting function and are not used for budgeting.


OFA is responsible for ensuring that each two-letter unit level code is a unique identifier for the appropriate unit. They are also responsible for providing monthly reports for managers on active activity codes.

Each entering unit is responsible for correcting activity code errors, as is currently the practice when entering funds and orgs. The financial managers in the entering units are also responsible for ensuring completeness and correctness of activity code data within their unit.

For any unit with a high demand for activity codes and demonstrated expertise, the OFA Director may delegate data entry in the FTMACTV screen (FG_FINANCE_ACTVCODE_MAINT_CLS on the standard Banner Access Request form). Data entry access is limited to the unit fiscal/executive officer and a fiscal technician appointed by that individual.


When a program identifies a need for an activity code, start by reviewing the naming convention guidelines and develop a program-specific activity code nomenclature. OFA is available to assist with this process once the need is identified.

Downloadable PDF: Activity Code Guidelines

  1. Activity codes will begin with the letter F, except for Design and Construction (D) and the Geophysical Institute (GI)
  2. The next two places are a two-character code determined by the unit:
    1. For departments or units who do not already have an activity code in place, reference the  to identify an available 2-character code for your purpose
    2. Pick a code that closely matches the unit/department acronym and one that is not already in use
      Note: CIS鈥檚 units have reserved codes set aside for their future use
  3. Identify the last three characters for the new code; they can be in the form of numbers, letters or a mix of both

Example: Toolik might use FTK001 as its first activity code or determine that 100-block codes (FTK100-FTK199) signify a particular type of activity.

  1. Review the  to identify a 2-digit unit/dept code not yet in use
  2. Complete the  with a requested code using the same chosen unit/dept code
  3. The Budget & Cost Records team will set up the code and notify the requester when it is active

Once the code is active, you can communicate it to any employees whose time and labor are associated with the project to enter on their timesheets in Web Time Entry.


Contact us with questions or concerns regarding the use and tracking possibilities of this wonderful tool!