Labor Redistribution
The Labor Redistribution (LR) process is used to correct all fund, organization, account and program code errors for labor charged in the current fiscal year. All labor redistribution transfer requests require proper completion and must include the appropriate signature approvals.
LRs are only allowed within the same fiscal year. Any labor moves for prior fiscal years are completed through a JSPC (unrestricted funds) or JPAY (restricted funds) on the journal voucher (JV) form. Visit the JSPC/JPAY page for instructions on processing these documents.
Send all approved documents (JSPC, JPAY & LR) directly to the Budget & Cost Records team. Do NOT send them to a specific OFA staff member.
**REVIEW changes that are going into effect January 1, 2024**
Normally, you cannot use JVs to redistribute labor since it is important for the Banner HR and Banner Finance systems to reflect the same information. LRs made in Banner HR feed over to Banner Finance, but JV entries in Banner Finance do not feed over to Banner HR.
Note: The following errors are not correctable by an LR. Contact UA HR office to correct them:
- Additional hours due to an employee
- Overpayment to an employee or overcharged department funds
- Leave hours not recorded, recorded in error or recorded under the wrong earnings code
- Change of position control number (PCN)
- Changes to staff benefits rates
Staff benefit charges are automatically transferred when labor redistributions are processed in Banner HR. Errors in staff benefit charges/redistributions should be forwarded to the Benefit Technician in Statewide Human Resources.
Remember the following when submitting your LR documents:
- Review the "Required Backup Tab" for non-exempt and exempt employees
- You must attach a to the labor change forms for any labor moving to or from a restricted or match fund
that is more than 60 days old
- After clicking link above for form, you must then click download arrow to get actual fill-in document.
- Our office will route the documents to OGCA for approvals
- See the for dates
- A 60 Day Cost Transfer Form is not required if the only change being affected is to Account Codes or Activity Codes. (nor is timesheets for non-exempt)
- See Flowchart regarding 60 Day Cost Transfer Forms for questions regarding when it is required
- Additional information can be found in the OGCA Cost Transfer Policy
LRs are entered by 有料盒子视频 Budget Office and processed in adjustment runs by Statewide Human Resources.
LR dates are found on the . Look for Adjustment Runs and run numbers included in that process are documented in parentheses (e.g. Adjustment Run (CY22 R15 鈥 R26)).
Adjustment Run Schedule document from UA HR
Note: January is the only exception to this while statewide processes W-2's. Once statewide starts their process (usually the middle of December), there are no LRs entered until further notice from statewide. All dates are subject to change and updates are made accordingly.
There are cutoff dates for processing labor reallocations from the prior calendar year. Grant funds must be open and active for keying and processing.
It is critical to process labor redistributions immediately once an error is identified, and as soon as possible after the pay period ends.
Timeliness in identifying and correcting accounting errors is critical, especially at year end.
Always use the enterable form on our website:
- Identify the labor distribution error: You can review labor information on the NHIDIST form in Banner or DSD
- Obtain an from our forms webpage
Prepare the LR with the Following:
- MAU/Major Administrative Unit - This is the regional campus
- Check Distribution - Provide TKL (Time Keeping Location) number used to designate specific University
- It is a 鈥淭鈥 followed by a 3 digit number
- Found on the timesheet or on the NBIJLST form in Banner
- Employee Name - Last name, first name and middle initial; it must match Banner
- Employee Banner ID Number - Found in Banner
- Employee鈥檚 Work Phone - Not required
- FY - Designate the fiscal year in which the LR will be processed (must be the current fiscal year)
- Begin Year - Beginning calendar year in which the original labor charges to be corrected were processed
- Begin Pay No - Beginning pay period in which the original labor charges to be corrected were processed
- End Year - End calendar year in which the original labor charges to be corrected were processed
- End Pay No - End pay period in which the original labor charges to be corrected were processed
- Posting Date - Not required
- Position - The position control number (PCN) of employee for labor charges to be redistributed
- EC - Not required but you can use it if only one earnings codes will be moved. If more than one earnings codes is moved, use the earnings code field next to each row to indicate what each earnings code is.
- Fund - Not required.
- Orgn - Not required.
- Acct - Not required.
- Earnings Code - Use this field when you are moving more than one earnings code to indicate the earnings code for each line
- Run No. - Indicate the payroll run number for the original charges. It specifies which run the original charges were processed.
- Change
- OLD lines are what is currently in Banner that you want moved
- Enter the new distribution on the NEW lines where you would like it to be moved to.
- Hours
- Usually for moving hours for an hourly employee
- Enter original hours charged on OLD lines
- NEW lines should equal the OLD lines
- % (Percentage of Effort)
- Usually for exempt employees or those charging a certain percentage to a match or grant
- Enter original percent charged on OLD lines
- NEW lines should always equal the OLD lines
- Note: If 40% of the effort is charged to one fund/org combination and you want to move all 40%, the percentage is NOT 100%. It is still 40%, the percentage you want to move.
- Amount
- Usually for closing out a match or grant
- Enter original amount charged on OLD lines
- NEW lines should always equal the OLD lines
Fill in the Following:
- Fund, Orgn, Acct
- The OLD numbers should reflect the FOA that were originally charged for the labor
- The NEW numbers should reflect where the labor should be charged in Banner HR
- Prog
- DO NOT ENTER A PROG, unless you are specifically correcting program code errors
- If you have an activity code that needs added or changed, type it in this field
- Reason for Change - Include full explanation for the redistribution
- This is a 鈥渨hy鈥 question, not a "what question
- Clearly explain why the labor is moving
- Attach a separate sheet if more room is needed
- Acceptable reasons include
- "Employee keyed fund/org mismatch on timesheet"
- "Employee charged to grant instead of match in error"
- "Job set up on incorrect org"
- "HR keyed labor distribution wrong during job set up鈥
- 鈥淓PAF was not submitted on time鈥
- Important: Forms are NOT accepted without this field completed
- Employee (or PI on grants and contracts)
- Supervisor or Department Head - This is the person that signs the time sheet as supervisor
- Grants & Contracts approval from appropriate MAU (restricted funds only that is mostly used with 60 day memo) (Send the LR form, all backup and 60 Day CTM directly to the Budget & Cost Records team, not a specific individual; we will route it to OGCA for approval)
- Clearly handwritten or typed name of and phone number for the person completing the
LR form
- This is not a signature
- This is used if questions arise about the LR
Required Back up for Non-Exempt employees:
- Attach a copy of NHIDIST print-screens or other appropriate backup showing the employee鈥檚 name and the run number
- Attach a new revised timesheet with correct information, signed by employee and supervisor,
or copy of the original timesheet if the original timesheet was correct
- The HR Coordinator/Fiscal Officer may sign on behalf of an unavailable employee
- Attach a 60 Day Cost Transfer Memo (CTM) to the LR for any labor moving to or from
restricted funds that is more than 60 days old (PI must sign LR form as well as CTM)
- The template is on the OGCA website under "Post-Award Forms"
- Send the LR form, all backup and 60 Day CTM directly to the Budget & Cost Records team (not a specific individual); we will route it to OGCA for approval
Required Back up for Exempt employees:
- Attach a copy of NHIDIST print-screens or other appropriate backup showing the employee鈥檚 name and the run number
- PI must sign LR form for ANY Exempt restricted funds movement of exempt employee labor
- Attach a 60 Day Cost Transfer Memo (CTM) to the LR for any labor moving to or from
restricted funds that is more than 60 days old (PI must sign LR form as well as CTM)
- The template is on the OGCA website under "Post-Award Forms"
- Send the LR form, all backup and 60 Day CTM directly to the Budget & Cost Records team (not a specific individual); we will route it to OGCA for approval
If you have grant labor to move for a PAST GEC period, you must submit a request to the OGCA Director for an exception to the GEC deadline via email.
In the subject line - include the wording "LR or JPAY Approval"
In the body of the email include -
- Individual Name(s)
- Run numbers
- Hours
- Amounts
- From: fund/org To: fund/org
- Reason why you could not meet the deadline and if you are trying to move to another restricted fund, why it should be allowed to post there
If you receive an approval in the email, this is attached to the rest of your backup documentation to send to 有料盒子视频
**Effective January 1, 2024**
Once the restricted funds labor effort has been certified (by GEC timeframes), labor is not movable! Pay attention to Certifcation Deadlines.
- Time: May 5, 2024-August 10, 2024
- Printing: August 19, 2024
- Certification Statement Deadline: September 20, 2024
Time: August 11, 2024-January 11, 2025 -
Printing: January 20, 2025 -
Certification Statement Deadline: February 24, 2025
Time: January 12, 2025-May 3, 2025 -
Printing: May 19, 2025 -
Certification Statement Deadline: June 16, 2025
- Time: May 4, 2025-August 9, 2025
- Printing: August 18, 2025
- Certification Statement Deadline: September 22, 2025
Time: August 10, 2025-January 10, 2026 -
Printing: January 19, 2026 -
Certification Statement Deadline: February 23, 2026
Time: January 11, 2026-May 2, 2026 -
Printing: May 18, 2026 -
Certification Statement Deadline: June 22, 2026
This has been in effect since CY12 R22 - Revised effort reports have not been required since that time for exempt employees.
Our staff are happy to answer questions and help navigate the labor redistribution process.