Curriculum archive
Approved Curriculum
All curriculum on this page has been fully approved and can be offered to students. Choose a semester to view approved items.
All files are downloadable PDF files and will need Adobe Reader or similar program to view and read them.
Format 2 ANS F275 - Submitted 4/4/16
Format 2A ANS F111 - Submitted 4/4/16
Format 2A ANS F111 Approval E-Mail - Submitted 4/4/16
Format 2A - ANS F223 - Submitted 3/1/16
Format 5A - RD Minor Program Change - Submitted 2/12/16
Approved by CIS Academic Council or CTC Academic Council
Child Development and Family Studies
- Format 5 CDFS B.A. (approved by CIS AC 12/08/14)
Developmental Education
Format 1 WRTG F080 (rEVISED and APPROVED by CIS AC 9/28/2015)
Format 1 WRTG F090 (rEVISED and APPROVED by CIS AC 9/28/2015 )
Format 1 WRTG F110( REVISED and APPROVED by CIS AC ?????/2015 )
Developmental English
- Format 1 DEVE F094 (approved by CIS 12/09/14)
- Format 1 DEVE F194 (approved by CIS12/09/14)
- Format 2 DEVE F060 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Preparatory College Writing I
- DEVE 060- Format 2A (approved by CIS AC 2/26/14)
- Preparatory College Writing I
- DEVE 104- Format 2A (approved by CIS AC 2/26/14)
- Preparatory College Writing II
- DEVE 109- Format 2A (approved by CIS AC 2/26/14)
- Preparatory College Writing III
Developmental Math
- Format 1 DEVM 054A (aPPROVED BY CIS AC 10/01/2015, REVISED 9.24.15)
- Format 1 DEVM 054B (APPROVED BY CIS AC 10/01/2015)
Format 1 DEVM 054C (APPROVED BY CIS AC 10/01/2015) - Format 1 DEVM 068 (aPPROVED BY CIS AC 10/1/2015, REVISED 9/24/2015)
Developmental Studies
- DEVS 052- Format 2A (approved by CIS AC 2/26/14)
- Reading Enhancement
- DEVS 105- Format 2A (approved by CIS AC 2/26/14)
- Academic Reading for College
Environmental Studies
Social and Human Development
FORMAT 1 ECE 345(POSTED 9/21/2015)
- Syllabus ECE 345
- Sample Course Calendar ECE 345
- ECE.345.Assessment Tool Action Project Rubric
- ECE.345.Content Assignment Rubric
- ECE.345.Final Reflection Rubric
Format 2 ECE 240( POSTED 9/18/2015)
Format 2A ECE 240(POSTED 10/06/2015)
Format 2 ECE F235( POSTED 9/18/2015)
Format 2 ECE F235 (rEVISED 9/30/2015)
Format 5 ECE program changes to minor( POSTED 9/17/2015)
Format 5 ECE program changes to minor (REVISED 9/30/2015)
Format 5 ECE program changes( POSTED 9/18/2015)
Format 2 HUMS F140 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Family Empowerment I
Renewable Resources (Name change to Environmental Studies)
- Format 5 AAS Program (approved by CIS AC 11/3/2011)
- Enviornmental Studies
- Appendix A (revised 11/2/2011)
- Enviornmental Studies
Rural Development
- Format 5 RD BA (approved by CIS AC 9/9/2014)
Tribal Management
- Format 2A TM 101 (POSTED 9/21/2015)
Format 2A TM 101 (rEVISED 9/29/2015) - Format 1 TM 102
- Format 1 TM 103
- Format 2A TM 105 (POSTED 9/21/2015)
Format 2A TM 105 (rEVISED 9/29/2015) - Format 1 TM 139
- Format 2A TM 201 (POSTED 9/21/2015)
- Format 2A TM 201 (POSTED 9/29/2015)
- Format 2A TM 205 (POSTED 9/21/2015)
Format 2A TM 205 (rEVISED 9/29/2015) - Format 2 TM 250
Occupational Endorsement
Rural Surface Water Quality Testing (POSTED 9/18/2015)
Rural Surface Water Quality Testing (REVISED 9/29/2015)
Allied Health
Format 2A HLTH 135 (POSTED 9/22/2015)
- Format 2A HLTH 135 (APPROVED 10/01/2015, REVISED 9/23/2015)
有料盒子视频 Native Studies and Rural Development
- Format 5 ANS BA (approved by CIS AC on 9/9/14)
- Format 2 ANS 101 (approved by CIS AC on 9/24/14)
- Format 2 ANS F251
- Format 2A ANS F351
- Format 2A ANS F351 (APPROVED BY CIS AC 10/1/2015, REVISED 9/18/2015)
- Format 2A RD F475
- Format 2A RD F475 (WORD) (REVISED 9/18/2015)
Child Development and Family Studies
- Format 2 ECE 480(approved 12/08/2014)
- Format 5 CDFS B.A. (approved by CIS AC 12/08/14)
Developmental Math
- Format 1 DEVM 069D (approved 10/06/2014)
- Format 1 DEVM 069E (approved 10/06/2014)
- Format 1 DEVM 069F (approved 10/06/2014)
- Format 1 DEVM 109G (approved 10/06/2014)
- Format 1 DEVM 109H (approved 10/06/2014)
- Format 1 DEVM 109J (approved 10/06/2014)
- Format 2A DEVM F050 (approved 12/19/14)
- Format 2A DEVM F060 (approved 12/16/14)
- Format 2ADEVM F105 (approved 12/16/14)
Rural Development
有料盒子视频 Native Studies and Rural Development
- Format 2 ANS 420 (approved 03/07/2014)
- Format 1 ANS F458 + syllabus (approved 02/24/2014)
- ANS- Format 5 (approved 03/10/2014)
- RD- Format 5 (approved 03/10/2014)
- Format 2 RD F100 (approved 03/12/2014)
- College Seminar
- Format 5A ANS Admission Requirements (catalog change - sent to OAR)
- Format 5A ANS BA (catalog change - sent to OAR)
Department of Industrial Maintenance and Transportation
- Format 5 OE Entry Level Welder (approved 01/15/2014)
Department of Science
- Format 1 ENVI 150 (approved by CIS 10/7/2013)
- Viewpoints in Environmental Studies
- Format 1 ENVI 250 (approved by CIS 10/7/2013)
- Current Topics in Environmental Studies
- Format 2 HLTH 114 (approved 03/10/2014)
- Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology
Construction Trades Technology
- Format 5 CTT Cert (re-approved by CIS AC 4/26/2013)
- FS Signature Page - Approved 5/13/13
Department of 有料盒子视频 Native Studies and Rural Development
- Format 2A RD 245 (approved by CIS AC 10/4/2013)
- Fisheries Development in Rural 有料盒子视频 (s)(a)
- Format 2A RD F492 (approved by CIS AC 10/4/2013)
- Rural Development Leadership Seminar
- Format 2A RD 670 (approved by CIS AC 10/4/2013)
- The 有料盒子视频 Native Claims Settlement Act: Pre-1971 to present
Department of Science
- Format 1 ENVI 121 (approved 12/03/2013)
- Building Ventilation and Energy
- Format 1 ENVI 122 (approved 12/03/2013)
- Energy Efficient Building Design and Simulation
Developmental English
- Preparatory College Writing II
- FS Signature Page - Approved 6/3/13
Developmental Math
- Modularized Mastery Math: Elementary Algebra Module D
- FS Signature Page - Approved 5/14/13
- Modularized Mastery Math: Elementary Algebra Module E
- FS Signature Page - Approved 5/13/13
- Modularized Mastery Math: Elementary Algebra Module F
- FS Signature Page - Approved 5/13/13
- Modularized Mastery Math: Intermediate Algebra Module G
- FS Signature Page - Approved 5/13/13
- Modularized Mastery Math: Intermediate Algebra Module H
- FS Signature Page - Approved 5/13/13
- Modularized Mastery Math: Intermediate Algebra Module J
- FS Signature Page - Approved 5/13/13
Health Care Reimbursement
- Format 5 Health Care Cert
- Signature page
- FS Signature Page- Approved 1/30/13
Medical Assisting
- Format 5 Medical Assisting AAS
- Signature page
- FS Signature Page- Approved 1/30/13
Medical/Dental Reception
- Format 5 Medical/Dental Reception Cert
- Signature page
- FS Signature Page- Approved 2/1/13
Emergency Services
- Format 5 Emergency Services: Wildland Fire Control AAS
- - Approved 3/6/13
- - Wildland Firefighter II
- - Approved 12/14/12
- - Advanced Wildland Firefighter
- - Approved 3/6/13
- - Basic Wildland Fire Safety
- - Approved 3/6/13
- - Wildland Fire Behavior
- - Approved 3/6/13
- - Wildland Fire Operations Function
- - Approved 3/6/13
- - Wildland Fire Logistics Function
- - Approved 3/6/13
- - Wildland Fire Control
- - Approved 3/6/13
- - Wildland Fire Planning Function
- - Approved 3/6/13
- - Incident Information
- - Approved 3/6/13
- - Wildland Fire Ignition Operations
- - Approved 3/6/13
- - Wildland Firefighter IV
- - Approved 3/6/13
- - Wildland Fire Prevention
- - Approved 3/6/13
- - Wildland Fire Investigation I
- - Approved 3/6/13
- - Wildland Fire Finance Function
- - Approved 3/6/13
- - Wildland Fire Behavior II
- - Approved 3/6/13
- - Wildland Fire Helicopter Management
- Syllabus
- FS Signature Page - Approved 3/6/13
- Format 2 FIRE 262- Wildland Fire Control II
- Syllabus
- FS Signature Page - Approved 3/6/13
- Format 1 FIRE 264- Incident Business Practices
- Syllabus
- FS Signature Page - Approved 3/6/13
- Format 1 FIRE 276- Prescribed Fire I
- Syllabus
- FS Signature Page - Approved 3/6/13
- Format 1 FIRE 277- Prescribed Fire II
- Syllabus
- FS Signature Page - Approved 3/6/13
- Format 1 FIRE 278- Prescribed Fire III
- Syllabus
- - Approved 3/6/13
Paralegal Studies
- Format 2 PLS 299 (approved 12/03/2013)
Social and Human Development
- Format 2 ECE 270 (approved 10/18/2013)
- Practicum II
- Format 2 ECE F132 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Young Child & the Family
- Format 5 ECE AAS (Treated as a minor program change and processed at OAR)
- Format 5 ECE Cert (Treated as a minor program change and processed at OAR)
有料盒子视频 Native Studies & Rural Development
- Format 5 RD, BA (approved by FS 1/15/2013)
- Rural Development
Allied Health
- Format 2 HLTH F245 (approved by FS 3/29/2013)
- Phlebotomy Principles and Methods
- (approved by FS 3/29/2013)
- Phlebotomy Principles, Methods and Externship
- Format 2 HLTH F265 (approved by FS 3/29/2013)
- Phlebotomy Externship
Computer and Information Technology Systems
- Format 5 CITS Cert-AAS (approved by FS 2/4/2013)
- Information Technology Specialist
- (approved by FS 11/29/2012)
- Cybersecurity Defense and Countermeasures
- (approved by FS 11/29/2012)
- Network Security Penetration Testing
Culinary Arts & Hospitality
- Format 5 CAH Cert (approved by FS 3/8/2013)
- Baking & Pastry Arts Certificate
- (approved by FS 3/8/2013)
- Artisan Bread Making
- (approved by FS 3/8/2013)
- International Breads
Developmental Math
- (approved by FS 3/6/2013)
- Mathematical Literacy
Early Childhood Education
- Format 2 ECE F340 (approved by FS 12/6/2012)
- Financial Management in Early Childhood Programs
Occupational Endorsement
- Format 5 Sustainable Energy OE (approved by FS 11/19/2012)
- Sustainable Energy
Social and Human Development
- Format 2A ECE 242 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 240 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013
- Format 2A ECE 235 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 230 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 214 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 213 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 210 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 173 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 172 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 171 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 170 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 143 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 142 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 141 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 140 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 130 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 127 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 125 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 124 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 123 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 122 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 121 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 115 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 114 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 113 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 112 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 111 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 110 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 2A ECE 105 (approved by CIS 3/1/2013)
- Format 5 CDFS BA (approved by FS 3/1/2013)
- Child Development and Family Studies
- Format 2 ECE 271 (approved by FS 3/22/2013)
- Practicum Seminar
- Format 2 ECE 245 (approved by FS 3/22/2013)
- Child Development
- Format 2 ECE 128 (approved by FS 3/22/2013)
- Thinking, Reasoning, and Discovery
- (approved by FS 3/22/2013)
- Nutrition, Health and Safety
Tribal Management
- Format 5 TM Cert (approved by FS 3/4/2013)
- Tribal Management
- Format 5 TM AAS (approved by FS 3/4/2013)
- Tribal Management
- (approved by FS 11/15/12)
- Practical GIS for Rural 有料盒子视频
- (approved by FS 11/15/2012)
- Practical GIS Project Design
- (approved by FS 3//2/2013)
- Hot Hula Fitness
- (approved by FS 4/5/2013)
- Prophecy, Shamanism and Scripture
- (apporved by FS 4/5/2013)
- End of Days - Apocalypse Across the Ages
- (approved by FS 4/5/2013)
- The Bible in the Quran
有料盒子视频 Native Studies and Rural Development
- Format 2A ANS 325 with syllabus (approved by CIS AC 10/5/2012)
- Format 2A ANS 425 with syllabus (approved by CIS AC 10/5/2012)
Construction Trades Technology
- Format 2A CTT 138 - approved by CIS AC 9/5/2012
- Troubleshooting HVAC Systems
Environmental Studies
- Format 2A ENVI 220 - approved by CIS AC 9/5/2012
- Intro to Sustainable Energy
Child Development and Family Studies (CDFS)
- Format 5 - CDFS, BA (approved by FS 2/20/2012)
- Child Development and Family Studies (CDFS)
- Format 2 - ECE 301 (approved by CIS AC 12/13/2011)
- Parents as Partners in Education
- Format 7 - ECE 304W (approved by FS 2/13/2012)
- Attachment and Social Development
- Attachment and Social Development
- Social Emotional Development: Reflection and Practice
- Format 7 - ECE 306W (approved by FS 2/13/2012)
- Building Bridges to Support Family Mental Health
- Building Bridges to Support Family Mental Health
- Format 2 - ECE 310 (approved by FS 2/3/2012)
- Constructivist Curriculum
- Format 2 - ECE 320 (approved by FS 2/3/2012)
- Environments and Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers
- Format 7 - ECE 341W (approved by FS 2/13/2012)
- Personnel Management of Early Childhood Programs
- Format 2 - ECE 341W (approved by FS 2/13/2012)
- Personnel Management of Early Childhood Programs
- Format 2 - ECE 360 (approved by FS 2/3/2012)
- Assessment in Early Childhood
- Supporting Family Relationships through Mentoring
- Format 2 - ECE 420W (approved by FS 2/13/2012)
- Developing Literacy in the Early Years
- Format 2 - ECE 421 (approved by FS 2/13/2012)
- From Babbling to Talking to Early Literacy
- Format 2 - ECE 430 (approved by FS 2/13/2012)
- Fine Arts in the Early Years
- Format 2 - ECE 442 (approved by FS 2/13/2012)
- Family Resource Management
- Format 2 - ECE 445W (approved by FS 2/13/2012)
- Adolescence through the Lifespan
- Clinical Practice: Organizational Action Research
- Clinical Practice: Classroom Research
- Clincial Practice: Classroom Management
- Child Development and Family Studies Portfolio
Construction Trades Technology
- Format 5 CTT AAS (approved by FS 3/1/12)
- Format 2A CTT 160 (approved by AC 4/19/12)
- Photovoltaic Systems Part I
- Current Topics in Construction Trades
Developmental Studies
- Format 2 DEVS F105 (approved by the Registrar, treated as a minor change)
- Intensive Reading Development, title changed to Academic Reading for College
Early Childhood Education
Environmental Studies and Renewable Resources
- Format 2A - ENVI 220 (approved by CIS AC 3/5/2012)
- Introduction to Sustainable Energy
- Format 2 PLS 103 changed to PLS F201 (approved by the Registrar, treated as a minor
- Introduction to Paralegal Skills
Science Applications
- Bush Physics for the 21st Century
Tribal Management
- Introduction to Geospatial Data
Moldy Course Drops
有料盒子视频 Native Studies
- Format 2A - ANS 310 (approved by AC 2/24/2011)
- The 有料盒子视频 Native Lands Settlement
- Format 2A - ANS/ANTH 320 (approved by AC 8/26/2011)
- Language and Culture: Applications to 有料盒子视频
Child Development and Family Studies (CDFS)
- Format 2A - ECE F120 now ECE F213 (approved by CIS AC 11/3/2011)
- Curriculum II: Thinking, Reasoning, and Discovery
- Format 2A - ECE F129 now ECE F229 (approved by CIS AC 11/3/2011)
- Foundations in Nutrition and Physical Wellness
- Format 2A - ECE F220 now ECE F214 (approved by CIS AC 11/3/2011)
- Curriculum III: Infant and Toddlers
Construction Trades Technology
- Format 2A - CTT 135 (approved by CIS AC 12/15/2011)
- Boiler Troubleshooting and Burner Repair
- Format 2A - CTT 138 (approved by CIS AC 12/15/2011)
- Troubleshooting HVAC Systems
Culinary Arts & Hospitality
- Format 5 - CAH, Cert (approved by FS 11/15/2011)
- Culinary Arts Certificate
- Format 5 - CAH, AAS (approved by FS 11/15/2011)
- Culinary Arts AAS
Developmental Studies
- (approved by FS 10/10/2011)
- Reading in the Humanities/Social Sciences
Emergency Medical Services
- Format 2A - HLTH 207 (approved by AC 10/3/2011)
- CNA II: Medication Aide-Certified
Occupational Endorsement
- Sustainable Energy (approved 11/29/2011)
- Format 5 - Paralegal, AAS (approved by FS 12/15/2011)
- Format 2A - PLS 102 (approved by CTC 12/12/2011)
- Introduction to the Law
- (approved by FS 11/15/2011)
- Intermediate Tennis
有料盒子视频 Native Studies
- Format 5 - ANS BA & Minor (approved by FS 6/14/2011)
- 有料盒子视频 Native Studies
Environmental Studies
- (approved by FS 6/15/2011)
- Home Energy Basics
Occupational Endorsement
- Format 3A - TJ (revised 11/18/2010)
- Tribal Justice
- Signatures (revised 11/18/2010)
- (revised 11/18/2010)
- Copy of OE Approval (approved 6/17/2011)
- Tribal Justice