• ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ accepted to Gardner Institute cohort

    April 25, 2023

    ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ has been accepted as one of 10-15 institutions in the inaugural cohort of the Gardner Institute's Transforming the Foundational Postsecondary Experience project.
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  • Lobland to lead Signers Business Office

    April 25, 2023

    Brad Lobland will serve as the new director of the Signers Business Office.
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  • Hydrogen working group to discuss hydrogen-electric aircraft

    April 24, 2023

    The next ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ Hydrogen Energy Working group meeting on May 2 at 11:30 a.m. will feature a presentation on ZeroAvia’s efforts to implement hydrogen-electric engines in aircrafts.
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  • Theresa Quiner, the Kuskokwim Consortium Library Director at the Kuskokwim Campus, was named the rural staff member for April 2023.

    April Rural Staff Spotlight: Theresa Quiner

    April 21, 2023

    Theresa Quiner serves as the Kuskokwim Consortium Library Director at the Kuskokwim Campus. She consistently has a great attitude, loves her job and the patrons she interacts with. Theresa is respected and appreciated as a supervisor and steps in with main campus issues when needed.
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  • ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ graduates celebrate with members of university faculty and leadership during the 2019 commencement in Fairbanks, ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ.

    Friday Focus: Academic traditions: Our 101st commencement

    April 21, 2023

    At the University of ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ Fairbanks, we take great pride in following our academic traditions. From the time students arrive to the time they graduate, we have many events that serve as milestones in their academic journey. The most coveted milestone in this academic journey is the conferral of a degree and the grand commencement ceremony that celebrates the achievement of our graduating students. ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ is about to celebrate its 101st commencement on May 6 at the Carlson Center in Fairbanks, other commencement ceremonies at the community campuses, and special graduation events. These celebrations are rooted in historic practices, have a deeper purpose, and great symbolic significance.
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  • Spring 2023 Aurora cover

    Spring 2023 Aurora online

    April 19, 2023

    Read about caribou behavior in oil fields, newly found photos taken by Denali's first climbers, miners training deep underground and much more in the spring 2023 Aurora.
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  • Example of PolarExpress Card layout

    Design contest for PolarExpress card - $500 grand prize

    April 19, 2023

    The Office of the Bursar invites all ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ students, staff, and faculty to submit original artwork for the ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ PolarExpress card design contest. The chosen artist will receive a $500 award, and the two runner-ups will receive annual parking passes.
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  • Tia Tidwell, Anupma Prakash, and Nate Bauer are seated on an outdoor bench displaying a variety of recent UA Press book covers.

    Academic Tuesdays: April 18, 2023

    April 18, 2023

    This week's Academic Tuesday looks at the University of ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ Press, its past and present, its partnership with the University Press of Colorado, focus on issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in academic publishing, new publications, how to buy UA Press books, and how to engage in the publication process.
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  • Temporary Core and West Ridge mail route changes

    April 18, 2023

    Due to the onboarding of new staff members, the Campus Mail Center has temporarily moved the Core and West Ridge routes to alternating days.
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  • Traffic delays on campus April 22

    April 14, 2023

    Due to the Beat Beethoven 5k race, traffic will be briefly stopped or rerouted, primarily between 10:45-11:15 a.m. on April 22. Access from Thompson Drive into the traffic circle, and in front of the Patty Center will be stopped briefly to allow runners to get up the hill on Tanana Loop.
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  • ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ Community Garden registration

    April 14, 2023

    Even though winter is holding on for much longer this year, it is time to prepare for the 2023 gardening season! The ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ Community Garden will begin accepting plot registrations on April 17. Unlike previous years, the in-person kick-off meeting will be held after sign-ups are complete.
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  • Julie Queen, vice chancellor for administrative services

    Friday Focus: Growth, recognition, development

    April 14, 2023

    If you were like me on April 5, you participated in the ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ Staff Recognition and Development Day, hosted by the Staff Council, with contributions from many across our campuses to make it such a success. And what a success it was! Not only did we have the Chancellor's Cornerstone awards notably congratulating four very worthy recipients, but we also had the chance to applaud those celebrating 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years of service. Three cheers (or maybe four!) to Felicia Burud (Alumni Relations), Tracy Coon (HAARP), Lisa Yancey (CRCD), and Casey Stagno (Facilities Services) for sustained outstanding contributions toward accomplishing and enhancing the ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ mission and strategic plan. That is a long-winded way of saying - thank you for being so awesome!
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  • Officials discuss strategy during a visit to Valdez

    ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ, Valdez form partnership to boost blue economy

    April 14, 2023

    The city of Valdez has partnered with the University of ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ Fairbanks' ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ Blue Economy Center to support the city’s interests in mariculture development and the broader blue economy. Recent successes include the ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ Mariculture Cluster being awarded $49 million through the Economic Development Administration’s Build Back Better Regional Challenge grant program, which benefited from instigation and support by the city and ABEC.
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  • Recap, recordings available from ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ Mariculture Conference

    April 13, 2023

    Video recordings and a post-conference survey report are now available from the recent Mariculture Conference of ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ, hosted by ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ Sea Grant. The meeting was an opportunity for farmers, researchers, and professionals in mariculture-related industries and agencies to present and discuss a range of issues related to this burgeoning ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ industry.
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  • BLaST URE DaeLee Forshaw, ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ 2021-2022 student.

    2023-2024 AY24 BLaST Undergraduate Research Experience funding opportunity

    April 12, 2023

    The Biomedical Learning and Student Training program invites students to apply to earn up to $5,000 to conduct research in the next academic year 2023-2024. These awards may be used to cover hourly wages, tuition, travel, supplies and services. The deadline to apply is Sunday, May 28 by midnight.
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  • Application period open for Undergraduate Research Initiative for Student Enhancement program

    April 12, 2023

    The Undergraduate Research Initiative for Student Enhancement program at the University of ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ Fairbanks is seeking applications for its scholarship program funded by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences at the NIH. Applicants should be rising Sophomores, and awards include 2/3 tuition for three years, plus a $13,000 annual stipend, and significant research and mentorship support.
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  • URSA RCA Day celebrates undergraduate student projects

    April 12, 2023

    URSA hosted this year's Research and Creative Activity Day on April 6 in the Wood Center Multilevel Lounge. RCA Day is ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ's campus-wide celebration of undergraduate student engagement. This annual event allows students to showcase their scholarly projects and experiences from the current academic year through the format of posters, presentations, creative displays, and public performances.
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  • Registration open for Youth Mental Health First Aid course

    April 12, 2023

    ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ Summer Sessions and Lifelong Learning is offering a Youth Mental Health First Aid course. Taught by Justine Schmidt, this course is designed to teach parents, caregivers, educators, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent experiencing a metal health or addiction challenge.
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  • Leading at Level - Leadership Courses specific for your needs

    April 11, 2023

    ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ Administrative Services, in partnership with The HumanLink, is offering four leadership courses: Leading at Level: Leadership Courses Specific for your Needs. Courses will be open to participants campus-wide and will be delivered in-person on the Troth Yeddha' Campus in Fairbanks.
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  • Open Enrollment - Your action is required!

    April 11, 2023

    Open Enrollment will run from April 17 to May 5, 2023. All benefit-eligible employees must complete an Open Enrollment form this year. If a benefit-eligible employee does not submit an Open Enrollment form, they will be defaulted into a plan. Please review the Open Enrollment website under section 2 "Changes for FY24" to understand the default and all other changes for this year's Open Enrollment.
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  • Tau Beta Pi students welcome visitors to the engineering open house in late February.

    Academic Tuesdays: April 11, 2023

    April 11, 2023

    Engineers and computer scientists are people who combine concepts from science, math, art, humanities and business to create functional products and processes for the betterment of society. Just as society's needs are changing due to climate change, technological advances, resource scarcity and social changes, the approaches we use to create those products and processes must also change. Indeed, the discipline of engineering itself must change. ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ's College of Engineering and Mines is hastening that change by creating ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ's engineering workforce of tomorrow.
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  • White paper submissions sought for NSF Building the Prototype Open Knowledge Network Program

    April 10, 2023

    The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research is soliciting white papers for the National Science Foundation's Building the Prototype Open Knowledge Network Program.
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  • UA Museum of the North updates hours for spring and summer

    April 06, 2023

    The University of ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ Museum of the North has updated its hours for the spring and summer starting this week.
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  • 2023 Staff Make Students Count Award nominations due April 28

    April 05, 2023

    The deadline to submit nominations for the 2023 Staff Make Students Count Award is April 28, 2023.
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  • ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ IT outage coming in May 2023

    April 05, 2023

    In May 2023, contractors will install a new battery backup system in the Butrovich Building that serves the Butrovich Data Center. The new unit replaces a 25-year-old system that has aged out and become less reliable. The backup battery provides the data center with continuous power during an outage of the ÓÐÁϺÐ×ÓÊÓƵ power grid and with the new system in place, the project will substantially increase the center's reliability, resiliency, and up-time to support critical functions, academics, and business continuity.
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