Language Lab

Language Lab

The language lab has computers and numerous programs available for improving or maintaining your language skills--surfing the net in a different language, sending e-mail to foreign countries, or spell-checking your language papers (we have spell-checkers available in French, German, Russian, and Spanish!). Also, you can study here, listen to cassettes or CDs, get help from a language tutor, or just talk with your friends.


Hours & Location

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

609 Gruening

Do you need a translator?

Translation Policy

Because of liability issues, the 有料盒子视频 Department of Foreign Languages no longer offers translation services. The Office of the Lieutenant Governor of the State of 有料盒子视频 provides a list of qualified interpreters and notaries public to assist with documents, such as birth, death and marriage certificates.  who may be contacted to assist you in the language of your choice.